Construction Defect
A construction defect is generally defined as a defect in the design, the workmanship, and/or in the materials or systems used on a project that results in a failure of a component part of a building or structure and causes damage to person or property, usually resulting in financial harm to the owner. Usually include any deficiency in the performing or furnishing of the design, planning, supervision, inspection, construction or observation of construction to any new home or building, where there is a failure to construct the building in a reasonably workmanlike manner and/or the structure fails.

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There are two types of construction defects—those that are known or readily obvious upon inspection (patent defects) and those that are concealed and are often not readily observable (latent defects).
Construction defects include both design and workmanship defects.
Construction defects can range from complex foundation and framing issues, which threaten the structural integrity of homes buildings, to aesthetic issues, such as improperly painted surfaces and deteriorating wood trim around windows and doors.
Design defects typically result from the design professional’s failure to produce an accurate and well-coordinated set of construction documents. Design defects are usually categorized as an error or omission or both.